DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2020-1-137-150
The article attempts to describe the history of an archaic look of an old Yakut fur coat in terms of its functional purpose and syncretic social stratification. The bird wings depicted on the back of the fur coat are of particular importance that also serves as a justification for naming this type of outerwear as “hotodooh son” (a fur coat with an eagle). The retrospective is based on data from early and late sources and allows us to express an assumption about the appearance of such a fur coat approximately at the end of the 17th century – the beginning of the 18thcentury. There is a hypothesis about its southern origin, so that we indicate the factors that determined the tendency of its gradual modification in northern conditions. Realization of the task requires the use of an integrated approach involving data from ethnography, art history, cultural studies, technology, and design of clothing, linguistics, for which the authors summarized the available resources studying traditional Yakut clothing, which also includes this coat. After analyzing a number of works on this topic, a preliminary conclusion can be made: the authors of publications believe that the symbolic marking of an ornithomorphic image on a fur coat is a sign of the totem as the ancestor of the social group of kangalans. However, there are some articles that do not set the task of interpreting the hidden meaning depicted on the back of a fur coat - they consider it, first of all, from utilitarian functional purpose. The attention of the authors of this article is focused on an attempt to read the information incorporated both in the name of the fur coat and the symbol in the wings. According to the authors, the story of “hotodooh son” is fraught with many valuable facts for those who are interested in the history of the Yakut people as a whole.
Keywords: Yakut ancient coat, museum, material culture, eagle totem, Yakuts, shaman, outerwear
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Issue: 1, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 137 — 150
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