DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2020-1-70-78
The article analyzes the methods used in translating verses by the Russian poet S. Yesenin into Livvi Karelian. What adds relevance to the topic is that the original text and the translations are compared with reference to the literary system of the Karelian language, shaped by a long life in the absence of a script. The figurative-semantic, contextual, and systemically subject-based approaches integrated within a holistic comparative-contrastive analysis raise the problem of the “translatable/untranslatable”, which many scholars have addressed. The theoretical background for this study is the works of L. S. Barkhudarov, M. Yu. Ilyushkina, Ya. I. Retsker. The article has analyzed the translations of S. A. Yesenin’s poetic works by Livvi Karelian poets V. E. Brendoev, A. L. Volkov and Z. T. Dubinina. The absence of studies of a similar kind on this subject constitutes the scientific novelty of the paper. One of the challenges for this study is the difficulty of translating poetic texts, since Karelian speech is metaphorical, often with no match to be found in Russian. There are four types of transformations that translators use the most: transposition (change of word order within sentences), substitution (compensation, antonymic translation), omission, and addition. In making a translation, the authors try to keep in mind at least three aspects: precision, accuracy, and adequacy. It is a matter of key concern for theory, critique, and practice. Analysis of the translations has demonstrated that the poets-translators of Yesenin’s works into Livvi Karelian V. E. Brendoev, A. L. Volkov and Z. T. Dubinina have made use of all the above methods, the most frequent choice being substitution. V. E. Brendoev added an ethnic component to his translations, thus making the poem as close to a Karelian reader as possible. A. L. Volkov was the most precise in rendering the Russian poet’s style, while Z. T. Dubinina has reworked the imaged profoundly. The results of this study can be used when preparing lecture courses on translation theory, stylistics, specialized Karelian language courses.
Keywords: translation, poetry, Karelian language, literature of Karelia, methods, transliteration, S. A. Yesenin, lyrics
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Issue: 1, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 70 — 78
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