DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2019-4-128-138
The main purpose of human in any culture, including the culture of the nomads of Inner Asia, is procreation. The standard of traditional society was the life of its members in the family, surrounded by children and grandchildren. This article attempts to accumulate known material reflecting the features of the reproductive culture of the Turkic-Mongolic peoples of Inner Asia, representatives of predominantly nomadic culture, its development right up to the beginning of the 20th century. Research interest focused on basic ideas and actions that program the future family well-being of nomadic society young members. Attention was also focused to the problem of extramarital relations of maidens and women among the Turkic-Mongolian peoples of Inner Asia, as an important category of reproductive culture. A comparative historical and comparative typological analysis of the worldview, the ritual sphere and the legal culture of nomads revealed a common ideological layer, which formed the idea of the need for marriage and the sinfulness of loneliness. People who did not marry, or those who remained childless, became outcasts of society. They were associated by a number of negative ideas and will accept, including the views of the transformation of unmarried childless women after death into evil spirits that harm women and children. The study of the problem of chastity in the nomadic environment shows the divergence of views and customs of the traditional society with the ethical standards reflected in the legal culture of the Mongolian empire and its successors. The laws of the Mongol Empire differed most rigorously. In the process of further development of the Mongolian law, there is a softening of punishments for illegal sexual relations, along with the growing loyalty of society to extramarital relations and the birth of illegitimate children. The reason for this situation was, in our opinion, a gender imbalance that developed in a nomadic society by the 17th – 19th centuries, a high mortality rate among women of reproductive age and children. In this regard, the scenario of reproductive behavior in the culture of the Mongolic peoples has become focused on the birth of children without any restrictions.
Keywords: Inner Asia, Turkic-Mongolian peoples, reproductive culture, traditional worldview, extramarital affairs
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Issue: 4, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 128 — 138
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