DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2019-4-120-127
This paper continues a series of publications that report the results oftechnical and technological analysis of ceramics from the Early Iron Age monuments of the Tomsk Ob Region, which are attributed to Shelomok and Tomsk variants of the Kulay cultural and historical community. Fragments of ceramics have been taken for analysis from the Shelomok I burial ground, Kizhirovo and Samus II settlements. The results of analysis demonstrate both similarities and differences in the choice of raw materials and the preparation of molding compounds. For example, the addition of granite gruss with white and transparent quartz inclusions to the pottery paste was typical of Shelomok II settlement (Pletneva, Stepanova, 2018), while the pottery paste from the burial ground included granite with red (pink) quartz inclusions. These monuments are located nearby, at a distance of 500 m away from each other, in the same natural environment. Perhaps, the materials of the burial ground reflect the complex cultural processes of the early Iron Age that took place in the Tomsk Ob region and record the arrival of the population from the Achinsk-Mariinsky district of tagar culture.
Keywords: technical and technological analysis of ceramics, burial ground, settlement, archeology
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Issue: 4, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 120 — 127
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