DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2019-4-109-119
The article is devoted to the use of outdated ethnonyms and ethnophaulisms in contemporary Russian museum practice. In a number of European and North American countries in recent years there has been a tendency to rename museum objects containing ethnophaulisms in their names (Negro, savage, barbarian, Kaffir, etc.). In the Russian museum practice, this problem was not voiced in any way, although its scale is comparable with the situation in the museums of other former empires. Basing on the labeling of exhibition projects in Russian museums, as well as the materials presented in the State Catalog of the Museum Fund of the Russian Federation, the authors conduct a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the use of outdated ethnonyms and ethnophaulisms in Russian museum practice and formulate practical recommendations on the use and adaptation of outdated ethnonyms in museums.
Keywords: ethnophaulisms, museum, museum anthropology, etiquette, museum communities, ethnonyms, the State Catalog of the Museum Fund
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Issue: 4, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 109 — 119
Downloads: 842