DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2019-4-92-97
Today, when living story-tellers tradition of the Altai-Sayan peoples gradually fade away, we were able to make audio recordings of heroic legends in a performance of representative of Mrass story-tellers school V. Tannagashev (1932–2007). According to ledger recordings, in the repertoire of the storyteller 72 heroic legends, among them 37 made audio and video recordings, and 35 self writing of story-teller (kajchi), 16 epic stories do not have options. Available audio and video recordings of legends of V. Tannagashev, made by L. N. Arbachakova and D. A. Funk. There are some fixing stories, produced other collectors provide a good background for deep research, dedicated to the creativity of one of the greatest storytellers of Mountain Shoria.
Keywords: Shor heroic poems, story tellers, audio records, repertoire, storage of epos
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Issue: 4, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 92 — 97
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