THE ORGANIZATION OF THE SEMANTIC STRUCTURE OF THE SELKUP LEXEMES (on the example of Vas., Ket., Tym., laga, laγa; Taz. laka)
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2019-4-17-27
The Selkup language belongs to the only living language of the South Samoyed branch of the Samoyed group of the Ural language family. The peculiarities of the semantics of the Selkup dialects are of interest in connection with the increased attention to the issues of lexical typology in domestic and foreign linguistics, and to the languages of the indigenous peoples of Siberia, in particular. This article is devoted to the problems associated with the organization of the semantic structure of Selkup lexemes on the example of Vas., Ket., Tym., laga, laγa; Taz. laka. In our opinion, this lexeme is worthy of special study, since it is of great interest from the point of view of the implementation of its semantic structure and the ways of its representation in lexicographical sources. The article offers an analysis of examples from folklore and lexicographic Selkup sources, which revealed discrepancies both in the number of distinguished values of dialect variants, and in the very scheme of presentation of semantic information. Prose folklore published texts, archival records of Tomsk State Pedagogical University, field work with native speakers of the Narym dialect and Ivankino dialect of the Selkup language, as well as comparative research, including data from both related and genetically unrelated languages, served as material for analysis. During the analysis, it was possible to establish that the semantic structure of a lexical unit in a number of dictionaries is described as a polysemantic noun, but in fact such a description hardly answers the hierarchical scheme of polysemy. For completeness of semantic research and description of the features of the semantics of Vas., Ket., Tym., laga, laγa; Taz. laka the analysis included all the complex structures that are part of the relevant semantic paradigm. A study has shown that Vas., Ket., Tym., laga, laγa; Taz. laka is characterized by correlation with the concept of a broad scope, characterizing objects that denote a separate part of something or a certain set of homogeneous parts. The goal of the article is to develop a convenient strategy for the presentation of semantic information in Selkup lexicography using the analysis of the semantics of one lexeme as an example.
Keywords: Selkup language, folklore text, lexicography, dialects of Selkup language, semantics, vocabulary, polysemy, semantic derivation, grammaticalization, lexicolization
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Beznosikova L. M. Komi-roch kyvchukör / L. M. Beznosikova, E. A. Ajbabina, R. I. Kosnyreva [Komi-Russian dictionary]. – Syktyvkar: Komi kn. Izd-vo, 2000. – 816 р. (in Russian)
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Erzyansko-russkij slovar': okolo 27000 slov / NII yazyka, literatury, istorii i ekonomiki pri Pravitel'stve Mordovskoj SSR; pod. red. B. A.Serebrennikova, R. N. Buzakovoj, M. V. Mosina [Erzya-Russian dictionary: words vocal 27000]. – M.: Rus. yaz., Digora, 1993. – 803 p. (in Russian)
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Kuznecova A. I. Ocherki po selkupskomu jazyku. Tazovskij dialect / A. I. Kuznecova, Е. А. Xelimskij, E. V. Grushkina [Essays on the Selkup language. Taz dialect] – Мoscow: Moscow University Press, 1980. – 413 p. (in Russian)
Kuznecova A. I. Ocherki po selkupskomu jazyku. Tazovskij dialect / A. I. Kuznecova, О. А. Kazakevitch, L. Ju. Ioffe, Е. А. Xelimskij [Essays on the Selkup language. Taz dialect] – Мoscow: Moscow University Press, 1993. – 197 p. (in Russian)
Mordovskij slovar' H. Paasonena: v 4 t. [Mordovian dictionary of H. Paasonen] / sost. K. Hejkkilya. – Hel'sinki, 1990. – T. 1. (in Russian)
Munkacsi B. Wogulisches worterbuch / B. Munkacsi, B. Kalman. – Budapest: Akademial kiado, 1986. – 950 p.
Nenecko-russkij slovar'. Okolo 22000 slov / sost. N. M. Tereschenko [Nenets-Russian dictionary. About 22000 words]. – M.: Sov. Encikl., 1965. – 943 p. (in Russian)
Porotova T. I. Slovar' govornyh form ketskih suschestvitel'nyh (s formami mnozhestvennogo chisla) / T. I. Porotova ; red. E. G. Kotorovoj, E. A. Klopotovoj [Dictionary of the dialect forms of the Ket nouns (with plural forms)]. – Tomsk: Izd-vo Tom. gos. ped. un-ta, 2002. – 282 p. (in Russian)
Prokof'ev G. N. Sel'kupskij (ostyako-samoedskij) yazyk. Sel'kupskaya (ostyako-samoedskaya) grammatika / G. N. Prokof'ev [Selkup (Ostyako-Samoyed) language. Selkup (Ostyako-Samoyed) grammar]. – L.: Izd-vo in-ta narodov Severa CIK SSSR, 1935. – CH. 1. – 138 p. (in Russian)
Russko-altajskij slovar'. Kolichestvo slov 30000 / pod red. N. A. Baskakova [Russian-Altai dictionary. Number of words 30000]. – M.: Sov. encikl., 1963. – 876 p. (in Russian)
Issue: 4, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 17 — 27
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