DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2019-4-9-16
Causativity is a functional-semantic category, which is implemented at different levels of the language system. Causative verbs in the Buryat language have morphological expression. Causation is one of the most productive derivations here. Causative markers can be attached to both non-derived bases and derivatives. Quite often in the Buryat language there is a double marking of causative verbs-double causation, which is characteristic of agglutinative languages. The main purpose of this article is to study the phenomenon of double causation in the Buryat language. The tasks include consideration of formal features of verbs with double causation, analysis of their semantic and functional features. Thus, it is show that productive suffixes -uul, -lga participate in the formation of double causation in the Buryat language. Other affixes do not participate in the formation of the second degree of causation. It is also revealed that the order of affixes addition is more widespread here, in which the same affixes are not duplicated, but new ones are added, while unproductive suffixes always precede productive ones. Double causation in the Buryat language indicates the large number of individual participants in the causative situation, which involves the expression of the value of distant causation, the expression of the value of permissive causation. Also, double causation is able to Express the value of intensity or multiplicity of causative action, the value of step-by-step causation. Double and even triple causation can also be a sign of excessive marking, simple duplication. In the Buryat language, causative suffixes can appear in the passive sense and lose the value of causation, but we note the fact that such examples also allow for double causation, which is also excessive. The paper also draws attention to the question of double causation of lexical causatives, in which the causative are not marked causative verbs.
Keywords: double causation, causative verb, causation, lexical causative, morphological causative, causative affixes, distant causation
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Issue: 4, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 9 — 16
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