DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2019-3-25-116-126
The article is devoted to considering the issues of the history of the origin of the Bashkir names, formed in the 16th - 19th centuries, which are still poorly explored in anthroponymy. Based on the factual material, we managed to prove that the Bashkir names among the nobility began to appear in the XVI century. The material for the study was The Bashkir Shezhere and Bashkir clan nsmes by R.G. Kuzeev, a scientific publication Documents and materials on the history of the Bashkir people: Formular lists on the service of officials of the Bashkir-Meshcheryak army for the years 1836-1842 in 2 books. In the article an attempt was made to establish the continuity of the surnames formed in the 16th - 17th centuries on the basis of a comparative analysis of the facts from the genealogical records of the leaders of the major Bashkir tribes, such as the Yurmata, the Tamyan, the Min and the Utergen, and from the census lists. Thus, the relationship between the personal names of the Bashkir nobility (biys) (Tyatigach, Aznay, Karmysh, Distan, Shagman) and the names that have survived to this day, such as Tyatigachev, Aznaev, Karmyshev (Karamyshev), Bikbov (Bikbaev) Distanov, Shakhmanov, as well as surnames on the basis of personal names of ancestors of canton superiors (Mutin, Sultanov, Kuvatov). Some of these anthroponyms have been also examined etymologically.
Keywords: Bashkir language, historical anthroponymy, surname, Bashkir tribes, Shezhere, lists
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Issue: 3, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 116 — 126
Downloads: 1599