DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2019-3-25-104-115
The article focuses on publication and analysis of the materials found in a Nizhnearmetovsky burial site (Ishimbaysky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan) and kept in the museums in Ufa. It gives an in-depth characteristic of the monument and its research history. The set of artifacts corresponds to the late-Samartian ancient objects of the South Urals and dates back to the first half of III century AD. The date is determined by the findings of a mirror-pendant by the group Khazanov-2, a buckle by Malashev-P2 and, a fibula by the group Ambroz-13. The article demonstrates the cultural diversity of the population living by the right bank of the midstream Belaya river, conditioned by contacts of late-Sarmatian people with a sedentary population of the Urals. A bone spoon is not a typical object for late-Sarmatian monuments. This category was spread at the early-Sarmatian period. A specific type of syulgama links the complex to the monuments of Azelinskaya (Azelinsky and Suvorovsky burial sites, Kirov Oblast, the Vyatka river), "Old Mordovian" (Seliksensky and Tezikovsky burial sites, Penza Oblast), Ryazan-Okskaya (Zarechye burial site, Ryazan Oblast) and Dyakovskaya (Schurovsky burial site, Moscow Oblast) cultures. The Nizhnearmetovsky and closest Akhmerovsky II and Salikhovsky burial sites are distinct by their original combination of Samartian and non-Samartian elements. They were, probably, left by a mixed population or dwelling groups which had a significant influence on each other. In terms of their location three above mentioned burial sites constitute a compact group while the fourth site of that time period, Derbenevsky, is noticeably different: it is located to the South and does not have non-Sarmatian traits. An attempt to engage ceramic materials from settlement sites of mountainous and forest territory of South Ural and some northern settlements of the right bank of the Belaya river seems prospective. Concerning the sedentary population (Mazuninskaya culture), it is possible to observe movements of the dwelling sites to the south. The reasons for these processes are to be determined in the future.
Keywords: Cisurals, Late Sarmatian culture, burial ground, inventory, chronology, contacts
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Issue: 3, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 104 — 115
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