DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2019-3-25-63-71
The article describes the main methods of word formation in the language of Forest Yukaghirs based on the analysis of the word-formation nest with the top chie ‘cold’ in the derivational-semantic aspect. It is shown that this word-formation nest belongs to the number of macro nests, consisting of a large number of derivatives, is strongly developed and have multi-step levels (forms four degrees of derivation, each of which contains from 3 to 9 derivatives, and contains 24 members). It’s identified word-formation paradigms and lines of this word-formation nest. It is shown that on the paradigmatic level a word-formation nest with a top chie ‘cold’ is represented by 6 paradigms, on the syntagmatic level – by 18 word-formation lines, representing a series of single-root words connected by consistent motivation relationships. The word formation lines of this word formative nest are both binary and polynary, containing from two to five components. Derivatives of the derivational nest are specified, the meanings of the derivational affixes of each derivative are indicated. The characteristic is given to partial-specific features of a word-formation nest with a top chie, which includes units of different parts of speech such as a noun, verb, qualitative verb, action name, inter-word word, adverb. Using the example of a word-formation nest with a top chie ‘cold’, it is shown that the word-formation of nouns in the Kolyma dialect of the Yukaghir language can occur through lexicalization of word combinations. Since there are no word-formation dictionaries in the Yukaghir language, the creation of lexicographic descriptions of the Kolyma dialect of the Yukaghir language is a very relevant direction in Yukaghir linguistics. Studying the composition and structure of the word-formation nest will allow us to understand the structure of the word-formation of the Yukaghir language as a whole, to identify the word-formation potential of a different words, to determine, clarify or reveal the semantics of a word-formation affix.
Keywords: The Yukaghir language, Kolyma dialect, forest yukaghirs, word-formation family, meaning, stage of word formation, paradigm, word-formation lines
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Issue: 3, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 63 — 71
Downloads: 1120