DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2019-3-25-51-62
The article is devoted to the description of the structure types of the predicate in one of the Manchu-Tungus languages. Types of predicates in the Orok language are distinguished on the basis of structure and component composition, the qualification of grammatical units of which is closely related to the peculiarities of the verb forms in the Russian and Manchu-Tungus languages, as well as to the questions of the verbal derivation in these languages. The analysis of the frequency component of the components makes it possible to draw conclusions about the presence of two types of predicate in the Orok language: the simple verbal and compound nominal, the compound verb is not represented. To a simple verb predicate (the carrier of lexical and grammatical meaning is one word or word form), single-component predicates are expressed, expressed by the conjugated form of a verb of any number-person, time and mood; single-component semantically complex predicates, isomorphic to the composite verb of the Russian language; two-component negative predicates expressed by analytical word forms formed with the participation of a conjugated negative verb. Named predicates in the Orok language are always multicomponent and composite, they have at least two lexical units: the purpose of the bundle is to express the predicative categories, and the linking part expresses the main material content of the predicate. In other words, the broadly expressed part of the predicate, neutral with respect to inflection, is the carrier of lexical meaning, the connective is expressed by the conjugated verb - the carrier of grammatical meaning and always takes the position of the absolute end of a sentence. The nominal predicate is represented as compound and complex, the characteristics of each subtype are determined by the semantic status of the grammatical part (existential or modal, phase, aspectual verb) and the grammatical status of the thematic part, which can be expressed by a noun, adjective, adverb (with an existing linkage functioning), participle or possesive construction with supine (with modal, aspectual and phase grammatical component). Potential with an existing bundle are qualified as compound nominal, with modal, phase, aspectual verbs in the grammatical part - as complex. The absence in the Manchu-Tungus languages of forms fully equivalent to the Russian infinitive in functional and semantic aspect determines the impossibility of forming a compound verb predicate, which, by definition, consists of “a personal verb and an infinitive adjoining it” (Akhmanova, 1966: 415).
Keywords: Manchu-Tungus languages, Orok language, predicate, structural type, simple verbal, compound nominal, analytical word form, grammatical, syntactic form, part of speech
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Issue: 3, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 51 — 62
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