DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2019-3-25-32-41
The article focuses on linguistic geography and etymology for naming the concept of ‘rainbow’ in dialects of Vepsian language. In the language, lexemes are used as nouns that are adapted to transfer the desired value according to the similarity of semantics (bembel’ ‘arc in harness ’; kare ~ kar’ ‘arc in boat, strut’). Composites are widely distributed, including the named tokens as the component being defined. Jumal ‘God ’, kollii ‘dead ’, as well as hebo ‘horse ’(heboine - dimin.) and others, which are historical evidence, influenced the occurrence of names Veps mythological ideas about the rainbow. In existence, there is a significant variety of forms and variants of existence, where rainbow naming has also been actively involved, which have arisen in children's speech. The variety of names is complemented by borrowing from the Russian language.
Keywords: Vepsian language, language contacts, linguistic geography, etymology, mythology
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Issue: 3, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 32 — 41
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