DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2019-3-25-85-93
Personal texts: diaries, autobiographies, and recollections have taken an important place in modern historical studies, including the ethnological ones. Along with the development of micro-historical approaches peculiar attention of the specialists has been paid to personal texts developed by «a small» person, common participant of historical events. This paper analyzes the personal text «A true story about nearest and dearest» written by A. A. Malinovskii, native born in the now vanished Ukrainian village Borokovka (Chesnoki), in Asino District, Tomsk Region. The analysis has been conducted from the point of establishing the family history of the Ukrainian migrants in Siberia. The study has demonstrated that the author included in the family history such migration events kept in memory as moving to a new place, building the village, and territory development. The narration reveals Malinovskii family from various sides: as a migrant family, peasant family and the Ukrainian family. Part of their family history has been taken by the history of their motherland, Chesnoki Village. The personal text «A true story about nearest and dearest» provides opportunity to see a definite person, its author, through the lens of family history.
Keywords: family history, personal text, the Ukrainians, migrants, Siberia, village
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Issue: 3, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 85 — 93
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