DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2019-2-179-189
The study compares for the first time the mythological images of characters in shaman ceremonial materials of the Turk-Mongolian people. The aspect of areal interethnic research is relevant for revealing the boundaries of distribution and genesis of important facts in a cult ceremony of the Turk-Mongolian people. The main method of a research is the comparative analysis of characters’ metamorphosis in the Mongolian, Buryat, Tuva and Yakut shaman ceremonies. The aim of the study is to explore of system of features of spirit transformations in the Turk-Mongolian mythology, revealing the similar features and motives in the metamorphosis of characters in a ceremonial event. As a result of the study, the authors define the semiotics status of characters, the universal facts of identical or similar characters in the Turk-Mongolian tradition. It is possible to trace the general schemes of metamorphosis of characters, the repetition and variations of dominant characters in ceremonial actions in the Turk-Mongolian mythology.
Keywords: ceremony, spirit of the shaman, anthropomorphous character, zoomorphic character, myth, tradition, motive, symbol
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Issue: 2, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 179 — 189
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