DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2019-2-149-157
According to physiographic region defining, the Lower Ket region belongs to the middle taiga zone of the right Bank of the Ob River. Its features are: strong swampiness, predominance of dark coniferous forests and podzolic type of soil. Natural and climatic conditions influenced the cultural development of the population living here. In archaeological terms the downstream Ket region is studied insufficiently. The need to study of the late Middle Aged monuments of the region was dictated by the problem of the origin of the southern Selkups, and their local dialect groups. Yoltyrevskaya Kurgan group I was discovered by V.E. Dobychin in 1963, and first investigated in 2008. The article considers the problems of chronology, cultural and ethnic origin of the late Middle Age population, the one who left this burial ground. The group consists of 10 mounds. Mound № 1 is excavated. The remains of three disturbed burials were discovered under the mound: an individual 18–22 years old and two children 3–5 and 7–9 years old. The original burial was performed on a burnt ground, in a wooden frame-lining. Judging by the surviving bones of the skeleton, the deceased was buried in an extended position, on his back, head to the southwest. Among the inventory is clay molding vessels, with a continuous ornamentation of the wall with a toothed print, cross-shaped lining, buttons made of beads, knife, and arrowhead. Perhaps, with the re-burial of children (only the lower jaws were found), to the mound the initial burial was disturbed. The inventory and ceramic tableware allow dating the burial to the XVI – the beginning of the XVII century. Analogues of the material complex and the rite are known from the Selkup burial mounds of this period in the Narym Ob region. The site was left by one of the Selkup groups settled in the lower reaches of the Ket River
Keywords: Ket, Yoltyrevskaya Kurgan group I, burial, later Middle Ages, Selkup
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Issue: 2, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 149 — 157
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