DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2019-2-85-102
This paper deals with common linguistic features of Khanty and Selkup languages, which can be interpreted as contact-induced. On the one hand, Khanty and Selkup languages were in a situation of quite a long and stable interaction. On the other hand, each of these languages is characterized by a high degree of dialect divergency, and local variants of both languages in demonstrate a higher degree of interference of linguistic systems. Thus, instances of contact-induced changes are stratified depending on whether they represent a more archaic stratum, being attested in all varieties of Khanty and Selkup, or later contact-driven innovations with a limited areas of distribution. In the paper Selkup data is compared to the data of other Samoyed languages. On the one hand, the comparison shows that Khanty always should be regarded as a donor language, and Selkup - as a recipient language. On the other hand, a comparison of Eastern Khanty dialects with Southern and Northern Khanty dialects one can suspect a "conservative" areal influence on Eastern Khanty, wchich resulted in the retaintion of a number of archaic linguistic features lost by other dialects. Within the domain of phonology the following instances of interference can be distinguished: 1. Phenomena common to the Khanty and Selkup: Consonant systems; Restrictions on the vocalism of later syllables; Paradigmatic ablaut; 2. Phenomena peculiar to the Selkup and Eastern dialects of the Khanty: Vowel systems; "Labialized consonants"; Secondary Selkup vowel harmony 3. Phenomena peculiar to individual dialects of Selkup and Eastern dialects of Khanty: Secondary "Narym" vowel harmony.
Keywords: the Khanty language, the Selkup language, language contact, linguistic interference, dialectology, phonology
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Issue: 2, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 85 — 101
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