DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2019-2-74-84
The paper deals with uses of different productive verbal derivational markers (desiderative, inchoative, debitive, associated motion) in the prospective function (such meanings as ‘be going’, ‘be about’). Field data of Nanai (Tungusic) is used. The research is intended to illustrate some more general mechanisms while some semantic domain which belongs to the periphery of grammar (a prospec tive one here) is covered by a range of secondary uses of competing markers from other semantic domains (modal / aspectual derivational markers here). Such a situation presuppose a high degree of detalization of the semantic domain which is less typical for dedicated markers. E.g. in Nanai language such distinctions within the prospective domain as avertive / proximative / neutral prospective and intentional / providential prospective are attested.
Keywords: Tungusic languages, Nanai, verbal derivation, grammaticalization, prospective, desiderative, debitive, inchoative, associated motion
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Issue: 2, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 74 — 84
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