DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2019-1-113-123
The article is devoted to the analysis of the term “museum anthropology” and definition of the main directions of application of this sub-discipline. Today museums meet with new functions and challenges, and not all museums can quickly adapt to existing conditions. There is an increasing need for anthropological tools for understanding the museum visitor: from their motivations to social interactions in the museum space. Based on the basic links between anthropology and museum work, as well as new challenges facing the museum field, the author suggests a new look at museum anthropology and its goals, greatly expanding both the term itself and the scope of anthropological knowledge in the museum business. The article considers the following key areas in museum anthropology: personnel management and the study of a professional museum community; anthropological study of the museum visitor and understanding of the museum space as a specific field; the adaptation of museum space based on an anthropological view of the museum visitor; community formation; building relationships with ethno-confessional groups and socio-cultural designs in the museum. Such a unified approach would be also useful for museums, as most of the problems today appear to be somehow connected with a lack of understanding of the importance of anthropological factors in contemporary world and anthropology, as museums remains one of the key platforms for popularizing scientific knowledge.
Keywords: museums, museology, museum anthropology, socio-cultural anthropology, museum design, socio-cultural management, migration, ethnomuseums
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Issue: 1, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 113 — 123
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