DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2019-1-124-135
The article is devoted to the publication of materials of the Bystryanskaya archaeological culture from a multi-layer settlement Novozykovo 3, located in the foothill area of the Altai Krai, 408 sq. m. of which have been studied. The material related to the Maiminskaya archaeological culture have been singled out typologically and planigraphically. They are the dwelling, household building, ceramic and object complexes. The most representative is the ceramic complex presented both, by fragments of ceramics and reconstructed vessels. Its detailed description has been given including characteristics of morphological features (forms of body, bottom and mouth), ornamental elements, ornamental motifs and ornamental compositions. The ceramics complex is divided into three groups. The first is represented by the Maiminskaya ceramics (flat-bottomed bowls and pots with a spherical body, ornamented with pits, smooth stamps and irregular-shaped pins with simple ornamental compositions), the second reflects very close interaction with representatives of Odintsovo culture (well-profiled round-bottomed pots with a spherical body, decorated with pits, smooth and comb stamps with complex ornamental compositions), the third – with nail ornament (pot-shaped vessel with a well-defined neck, a spherical body, a thick flat bottom, slightly curved inwards, ornamented with three varieties of finger ornament, which accompanies almost all the complexes of Maiminskaya ceramics. Novozykovskii stage in the development of the Mayminskaya culture has been identified. The chronological frame has been defined both by the object inventory and the characteristics of the ceramic complex as the VI – VIII centuries A.D. The authors have presented their point of view on the chronology of the Mayminskaya archaeological culture (the I century B.C. – the VIII century A.D.). The material is introduced into scientific circulation for the first time.
Keywords: Settlement, ceramics, culture, foothills, Early Middle Ages
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Kazakov Alexander Albertovich, Associate Professor of Department of History and Philosophy,
PhD in Historical Sciences, Associate Professor.
Issue: 1, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 124 — 135
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