DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2018-4-50-59
The article is devoted to the description of the peculiarities of the pronominal deixis in one of the less studied dialects of the Komi-Permyak language, which is disconnected from the basic ethnic massif and experiences a strong influence of surrounding Russian dialects. The paper considers the morphological structure and usage of personal and intensifying personal pronouns. The main research objective is to examine the features of declension and case inflection, to reveal variability and innovations in the inflection paradigm of personal and intensifying personal pronouns. The article introduces new dialect data, which can become an additional source for comparative historical research on the Komi proforms and of the Permian pronouns system in general. In addition, the analyzed language data will allow making certain conclusions about the development of the system of pronouns in the dialects, which have a transitional character and has been affected by the strong Russian contact influence. The empirical base of the research includes language data collected by the author in the course of the dialectological expeditions to the Kirov Permian communities between 2002–2012. Linguistic data are analyzed and interpreted in the context of the Komi language dialectic landscape.
Keywords: the Komi language, the Komi-Permian language, the Upper-Kama dialect, Kirov Permians, dialectology, morphology, pronoun
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Issue: 4, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 50 — 59
Downloads: 920