DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2018-4-39-49
This paper focuses on the word order studies in the Central dialects of the Selkup language for two time periods: 1970s – 80s of the 20th century and 2000s of the 21st century. The syntactic changes are analyzed in synchrony and the deviations of the basic word order are established between two diachronic periods. At present there are a few native speakers of the Central dialect group remaining, whose language was assimilated in a certain degree under the dominant influence of the Russian language. The two given variants of the Central Selkup dialects have flexible dominant word order, the deviations of which reflect changes in the information structure of a sentence. Comparing the data of two diachronic periods, the changes that have occurred in the Central dialects of the Selkup language are visible – a shift of the original syntactic structure of the Selkup language towards the syntactic structure of the Russian language SOV ˃ SVO, OV ˃ VO. If the sentence only contains an explicitly expressed subject and predicate, comparison of two diachronic periods doesn’t reveal any change: SV = SV. Direct objects in later texts began to follow the predicate of the sentence, unlike the texts of the 1970s – 80s, where it preceded the predicate. The possible absence of explicit subject or direct object is compensated by the presence of the subjective and objective conjugation of the verb.
Keywords: word order, information structure, language shift, Selkup language
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Issue: 4, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 39 — 49
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