DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2018-4-21-30
The article is devoted to the analysis of Buryat value system, features of its transformation in the conditions of growing number of the Buryat-Russian bilinguals, mother tongue loss in Buryats. The data for the study came from the free associative experiment made among the Buryat bilinguals in both. native and Russian language, comparative analysis of the materials of "The Russian associative dictionary", the data of the ethnopsychological research by I. E. Elaeva conducted earlier, and the available data on word frequency in the classic of the Buryat literature by Kh. Namsaraev. The research demonstrates the degree of stability of Buryat value system. The comparative analysis shows that the most high-frequency words are national, most significant lexemes. For the Buryat, the patrimonial relations are important, which is demonstrated by the preservation even in Russian-speaking respondents of such word-responses as mother, relatives, children and father. Traditional value dominants are life, house, homeland, sun, body, work, food, book, thought. The data also show that the distinctive feature of the Buryat consciousness is the appreciation of the teacher and guest. The most significant word-responses designating qualitative characteristics are: hayn 'good, kind', khuney ‘human’, sagaan 'white', seber 'pure', goyo ‘elegant, beautiful’, turgen 'fast', haykhan 'beautiful', buryad ‘Buryat’, dulaan 'warm'. "The love to the country, to the people" is confirmed by entry into high-frequency group of such responses in the domain "person" as: arad and zon 'people'; in the domain "realia" – nyutag 'homeland', in the domain "quality evaluations" – burayd ‘Buryat’. The analysis of comparative constructions also shows that the major value category for Buryat nomads is the nature. The comparative analysis of basic value components of the Buryat language use shows that the influence of Russian language is mainly reflected in a so called "real" environment. It is also established that the influence of a national language code remains rather high, which respectively, also maintains such key Buryat cultural, social consciousness features as emphasizing being peaceful, unaggressive.
Keywords: language consciousness, values, associative experiment, Buryat language, bilingualism
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Issue: 4, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 21 — 30
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