DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2018-3-118-131
The article covers the process of researching the musical folklore of Chukchi, from the first references in the materials of travelers and missionaries of the XVIII–XIX centuries (G. Sarychev, F. Matiushkin, A. Argentov etc.) to the present time. Special attention is paid to the works of ethnographers of XIX–XX centuries V. Bogoraz, V. Kuznetsova, I. Vdovin and others, in which music is characterized as an integral part of ethnic culture. The article takes into account the data of archeology (N. Dikov), religious studies, philology and folklore studies (L. Belikov, V. Leontjev), art criticism (S. Ivanov, N. Kocheshkov), cultural studies, folk choreography (M. Zhornitsraya), linguistics (P. Skorik, P. Inenlikei) etc., which are relevant to musical culture. The musicological study of Chukchi folklore began in the XX century, it is associated with musical notation by E. Shirokogorova, sound fixations by E. Gippius, Z. Evald, E. Magid, P. Collaer, publications by H. Narva and V. Lytkin. The ethnomusicological studies associated with the works of I. Brodsky (Bogdanov), Yu. Sheikin, O. Dobzhanskaya, Z. Djachkova and others, multimedia publications of A. Lecomte, K. Tanimoto, etc. Some publications of cultural workers and leaders of Chukchi amateur musical-dancing groups (E. Rul’tyneut, O. Geuntonau, G. Tagrina, V. Tymnevje) also considered.
Keywords: Chukchi, paleo-Asiatic peoples, musical folklore, musical ethnography, research of Chukchi musical folklore
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Issue: 3, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 118 — 131
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