DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2018-3-50-55
Today the Southern Selkup dialects are least described among other Selkup dialects. At the same time there are almost no Southern Selkup speakers left. It is known that one speaker of the Middle Ob Selkup dialect, which is attributed to the Southern Selkup dialectal group (Glushkov, Tuchkova, Baidak 2013), lives in Kolpashevo, Tomsk region. There are no speakers of the Chaya, Upper Ob and Chulym dialects left. Moreover, a number of insufficiently described unique features and phenomena differentiate the Southern Selkup dialects from other Selkup dialects. In some cases, they were mentioned as possible mistakes which might have been made in the process of documentation. This article considers the function of -m suffix in combinations of two nouns. The unusual use of this suffix is characteristic to the text recorded by N. P. Grigorovskiy “The Sacred History in Ostyak Samoyed language” (1879). It also occurs in the text recorded by Saint Makarius ‘Besědy ob Istinnom Bogě I Istinnoj Věrě Na Narěčii Obskich Ostjakov'’ (1900) and in the archive materials of the second half of the 20 century by A. I. Kuzmina, Hamburg University. The present article contains the interpretation variants analysis of the -m suffix in the constructions under study. It is supposed that it could be a form of a verbal noun, an atypical Accusative or a possessive form. Each hypothesis has arguments in its favour. Besides, the article offers the preliminary data on areal extent of the described phenomenon.
Keywords: the Southern Selkup dialects, morphology, atypical cases of -m suffix usage
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Issue: 3, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 50 — 55
Downloads: 898