DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2018-3-41-49
The article is devoted to one of the scantily studied verb forms of Kolymsky dialect of the Yukaghir language, which doesn’t have any consistent description – the participle. We study participles with suffixes = yoon, = sioon, = dioon, their formation and main functions. Having analyzed the language material we made conclusion that participles with these suffixes are substantivized, therewith a person (or a thing) is named according to his (its) action, specific occupation as well as the person (or a thing) exposed to an action. In view of the fact that participles with = yoon, = dioon are subjected to occasional substantivisation, having nominal features, i.e. they change forms according to case and number and in a sentence can be used as a subject, direct and indirect object, and an adverbial modifier. Participles with = yoon can be used to make analytic structures with participial form of the second component and analytic constructions, which are formed by the two-word combination of the first component expressed by a participle and the second component expressed by an auxiliary verb which shows grammar features of a person, number and tense. Participles with this suffix are often used to express a continuous action happening at the moment and formed with the affix = nu. Participle with the suffix = dioon and a negative participle with = sioon are subjects to adverbialization. It is shown that the participle with = sioon is made from qualitative verbal stems and is used in attributive function. The negative participle with = sioon is exposed to adverbialization. The author comes to the conclusion that in negative forms, participles with suffixes = sioon/= chuon are used as an adverbial participle. The participles with = dioon are formed from stems of intransitive/transitive verbs in the passive voice.
Keywords: Yukaghir language, Kolyma dialect, participle, participial forms, occasional substantivation, adverbialization
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Issue: 3, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 41 — 49
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