DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2018-3-19-30
The article deals with the problems of alignment and asymmetry of parallel texts of differently-structured languages, Buryat (text-original) and Russian (text-translation). The author gives a description of the procedures for identifying and analyzing the alignment of relevant texts. For demonstration of asymmetry examples, revealed with obligatory post-automatic leveling, the analysis presented in the article is based on the prose literature of the Buryat classic Khotsa Namsaraev. The article points out that the alignment of parallel texts contributes to identification of the style of the translator, the identification of changes in the sequence of the author's narrative by the translator, the development of principles and methods of alignment of Buryat-Russian texts, allows to identify omission text fragments. Aligning of parallel texts provides opportunity to find a linguospecific, so-called, non-equivalent vocabulary, which is important for the theory of translation in general. The main results of the work carried out are idenified types of asymmetry: I. asymmetric division of the sentence; II. asymmetry of the transmission of direct speech in the original and translation; III. asymmetry at the level of translation. The first type of asymmetry shows that the division of one sentence of the original in translation may reach eight sentences. Reverse cases of division are revealed, when two or more sentences of the original are translated by one sentence. According to the second type of asymmetry, the original sentence with direct speech can be divided into two separate phrases. Asymmetry is manifested in the graphic design of the inner speech in translation. In the original, the inner speech is not represented graphically, but by adverbial constructions. The third type of asymmetry shows several subtypes: 1) the transfer of a fragment of one sentence of the original to the next; 2) lack of translation; 3) omission / insert in the translation of significant / insignificant fragments; 4) inaccuracy / error of the translation; 5) a change in the translation of the form of appeal to the person; 6) change of the context of the sentence in the translation from the original; 7) changing the linear sequence of sentences of the original, i.e., rearranging sentences in the text-translation.
Keywords: the Buryat-Russian texts, alignment, asymmetry of parallel texts, parallel corpus
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Issue: 3, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 19 — 30
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