DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2018-2-64-74
The article is devoted to identification and structural-semantic, functional description of phraseological combinations coding negative characteristic of the person in the Khakass language. In particular, the lexical units formed by collocations of nouns as dependents and auxiliary verbs are analyzed. In the Khakass language, two types of such combinations are widely used: Noun + sal- “to put”, and Noun + tut- “to hold”. It is revealed that auxiliary verbs as part of phraseological combination are the element organizing subordinate relation with a noun. Semantic component determining final sense of a combination is the noun. These verbal-nominal collocations belong to the Khakass colloquial expressive lexicon. In spoken speech, the following type is often seen: Togyn! Köjtіgiŋ salba! – “Work! Don't be cunning (lit. don't lay down [the] cunning)!” Or: Aniŋ, minі köp salganda, іdіrgegi tut sihhan – “When he saw me, he became irritated”. The difference between them consists in character and degree of expressiveness. In the use of collocations with sal- “to put”, light degree of manifestation of sense is expressed, actions of the subject don't cause too negative reaction: Honchiim salchigin salcha – “[My] neighbor quarrels”. A noun + tut- “to hold” combinations express stronger sense of a state affecting in some way another subject: Katya, ibzer kilgende, sajin sal sihhan – “Katya, having come home, I went into a hysteria”. We consider these collocations phraseological combinations as they are independent, semantic steady and indecomposable units, and introduction of additional verbal components in their structure is impossible.
Keywords: Khakas language, collocations, verb, subject, name, connotation, expression, evaluation
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Issue: 2, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 64 — 74
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