DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2018-2-29-38
The article deals with the expression of predicative possession in Dolgan, a Turkic language of Northern Siberia. Predicative possession is understood as the expression of possession within a verbal phrase, the analysis follows the typology of Heine (1997) (section 1). Dolgan exhibits various types of predicative possession constructions: a companion scheme, a location/goal scheme and a genitive scheme, whereby the companion scheme occurs by far most often (section 3). As Turkic languages are usually assumed to exhibit a genitive scheme (cf. Johanson, 1998), some contact linguistic considerations are made in order to relate the Dolgan constructions to areal circumstances (section 4).
Keywords: possession, predicative possession, language contact, Dolgan, Turkic languages, Siberian languages
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Issue: 2, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 29 — 38
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