DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2018-1-123-131
In traditional cultures, a woman performs a number of social roles, such as a keeper of the hearth, a caring mother and a wise grandmother. The culture of the Khanty people is no exception. In this article, an attempt is made to identify and describe the national and cultural features of the image of the woman in the Khanty language, literature and culture, reflecting different ideas about the woman existing in the minds of the carriers of the Khanty language. The main features of the Khanty woman are a strongwilled character, the paramount importance of the well-being of the family, the knowledge and respect of one's culture, the mastery of any ethnic skill that can later be passed on to the children. There have been identified and analyzed numerous lexical nominations and the corresponding image associations that conceptualize image under study in the consciousness of Khanty language speakers.
Keywords: image, woman, metaphorization, oral folk art, national features
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Issue: 1, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 123 — 131
Downloads: 1352