DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2018-1-9-19
The article deals with phonetic interference in the consonantal system of Chukchi’s Russian speech. The significant feature is instability and heterogeneity of oppositions between so called “hard”/“soft” and voiced/voiceless consonants. The very structure of opposition between obstruents and sonorants differs in Russian and Chukchi. Some deviations from the Russian phonetic norms that take place in Chukchi’s Russian speech are connected to place and manner of articulation. Thus, the Chukchi articulate a number of Russian consonants deeper in the oral cavity. We hope to further deepen our knowledge on how Chukchi phonetic system is projected on Russian, and thus expand our views on both structures.
Keywords: The Chukchi language, the Russian language, language contact, phonetic interference, consonants
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Issue: 1, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 9 — 19
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