DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2017-4-112-119
The present article is devoted to the identification and analysis of standard phrases that reflect the time in the Khakass folklore texts, in particular in the texts of folk tales and heroic tales. Despite the fact that folk tales and heroic sagas belong to different genres of folklore, the authors were able to identify similar meaning, reflect a long time in folk texts. In the analysis of these sentences the focus of the authors was drawn to the frequency of use of standard phrases, pairs of adverbs in the folklore texts, also for the variable use of certain structures. The main result of this article is to define the means of expressing the category of time in the Khakass folklore texts.
Keywords: category of time, Khakas folklore texts, standard phrases, adverbs
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Issue: 4, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 112 — 119
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