DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2017-4-76-88
This article describes one of the most important stages in the development of the reindeer breeding in Chukotka. The chronological scope of the study dates back to the late XIX – the first half of the XX centuries. This period is of special research interest due to the fact that at the turn of XIX–XX centuries and up to the first third of the XX century the Chukchi reindeer breeding developed on a traditional basis. Then under the influence of the political and economic changes breaking of the traditional management in the environment of the indigenous peoples of the North-East occurred. The paper presents statistical data on the number of deer herds in different years, the descriptions of reindeer herders’ roaming places, information about their adoption to the settled way of living. With the economic structure changes social relations in the herders' environment began to change. At the same time the new principles of zoning and organization of deer farms were not linked to the traditional environmental management system and family relationships. A serious interference in the centuries-old culture had led to the significant changes in the Chukchi reindeer herders’ lifestyle, changes in the system of values, significant socio-cultural changes that led to the results of regressing. The authors consider one of the dramatic episodes in the history of the country – the period of collectivization, its specific and consequences for the reindeer population of Chukotka. We use a wide range of sources and literature – archival materials, oral evidences (memory of the indigenous people of Chukotka), field notes, records and proceedings of party workers, land managers, historians, anthropologists and other scientists.
Keywords: The indigenous peoples of Chukotka, Chukchi, A traditional reindeer herding, Nomadic routes, Nomadic culture, Collectivization, The creation of the collective farm system
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Issue: 4, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 76 — 88
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