DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2017-3-58-64
Today narrative is used in many areas of human activity, and the museum is no exception, especially as the narrative by nature is very close to the museum space. The article is devoted to the problems of the integration of narratives into the museum space. On the example of contemporary museum expositions and exhibitions, techniques and trends in the use of narratives in the museum are analyzed. Author tries to prove the effectiveness of their application to solve the most pressing problems associated with the interpretation of historical and cultural heritage. The main attention is drawn to the narrative architecture of museum buildings, narrative in the basis of expositions, the use of literary narratives, the use of multiple narratives. In addition, the author analyzes the key problems of the contemporary museum, which can be solved by using narratives.
Keywords: narrative, museum, museum design, museum anthropology, exposition, difficult heritage, interpretation of heritage
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Issue: 3, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 58 — 64
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