DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2017-3-15-20
This article deals with the semantic and functional features of phraseological units that occur in the texts of the Karachay-Balkar Nart epic. The phraseological units of Karachay-Balkar epic discourse have a high degree of anthropocentricity. They contain information about the national-specific features of the perception of reality, and accurately convey and show the specificity of the national character. Most «epic» phraseological units are oriented to the representation of various relevant concepts such as time, thinking, speech, etc. Some phraseological units in the epic texts represent the physiological state of a person, the age features of a person, the state of the environment, and the phraseological units of the relational plan expressing the idea of a relationship are also of interest. The words included in them, mainly somatisms and verbal lexemes, contribute to the reflection of a certain segment of the phraseological model of the world, which is part of the linguistic picture of the world.
Keywords: nart epic, somatisms, phraseology, anthropocentrism, localizer
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Issue: 3, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 15 — 20
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