DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2017-3-9-14
The article analyzes metaphorical expressives as units of expressive lexical corpus in the Tuvan language in contrast with the Russian language. We offer our observations regarding expressive lexis formed by the means of semantic derivations. We present a general overview of such units and determine whether metaphorical transfer occurs in Tuvan or not, and list the areas of nomination where it occurs; after that, we analyze similar lexemes in the Russian language. Metaphorical meanings serve as universal means of expression of emotions and social evaluation in Tuvan and Russian. Our study shows that in Tuvan, this method of formation of new meaning definitely exists, 7 models of semantic derivation have been described. Individual traits of Tuvan and Russian world images are defined on the basis of metaphorical expressives.
Keywords: metaphor, expressive, semantic derivation, Tuvan, Russian, language world image
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Issue: 3, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 9 — 14
Downloads: 1127