DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2017-2-45-50
Based on the materials from Early Medieval settlements in the Tomsk Ob Region, the paper presents the author’s vision of the development of ferrous metallurgy in this region and pays attention to the fact that the available data are scarce and insufficient to prove the widespread development of the local ferrous metallurgy. An ornamented hearth door from Kislovka II settlement is one of the most significant findings. The author identified it as a ritual artifact intended for ceremonies, most likely before iron smelting. The ornament consisting of 5 rows of triangles can be interpreted as an appeal to a higher power for successful smelting.
Keywords: archeology, ferrous metallurgy, hearth, ore, blacksmithing
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Issue: 2, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 45 — 50
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