DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2017-2-32-44
The article displays the interconnection of language and habitat of homo under conditions of artificial selection; factors determining this interconnection are examined; advantages of environmental approach are emphasized and spheres of its potential implementation for language studies are proposed. The overriding prerequisite of the environmental determinism of language nature appears the fact, that outside their habitat human individuals easily do without language, which is considered an artificial product of cultural activity of man inside the human environment. Transferring language into the next generation occurs extragenomically – via environment mainly owning to ritualized everyday practice. Language is a non-recurrent and socially determined product of mankind, impossibly existing outside the habitat of homo or for only one person. The rhizome of language is developing nonlinearly, asymmetrically and acentrically.
Keywords: human language, speech, talking, homo loquens, language acquisition, environment, environmental approach
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Issue: 2, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 32 — 44
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