DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2017-2-25-31
The article studies phonetic peculiarities of Tuvan pharyngealized vowels in the speech of Tuvan reindeer herders living in Tsagaan-Nuur, Mongolia. The study analyzes acoustical processes in word stems, in the grammatical forms of words of Tuvan reindeer herders and compares them with their equivalents (with pharyngealized vowels) in the Tuvan literary language. Also the Tofalar language and other Tuvan dialects were used to compare them. There were reviewed linguistic units with sound combinations “nonpharyngealized vowel with a strong aspirate”, “nonpharyngealized vowel with medial intervocalic-pharyngeal [h]”, “nonpharyngealized vowel with postvocal aspirated consonant with overtones [h] in excursus”.
Keywords: tuvan language, speech of Tuvan reindeer-breeders, pharyngealized vowels, nonfaringalizied vowels, strong aspirated consonants, postvocalic consonants, medial-intervocalic consonants, intervocalic consonants, aspirated consonants
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Issue: 2, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 25 — 31
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