DOI: 10.23951/2307-6119-2017-1-101-107
The research studies features of the processes of settling and land use of the territory of the Uimon Valley by the Russian population with special regard to the usage of the lands for the agricultural purposes. The reflection on the historical experience of the ethnoecological adaptation is of much importance in the context of working out theoretical questions of the ethnocultural landscape, as well as defining strategies of rational usage of land resources in conditions of Siberia. The research is based on the field ethnographical materials of the author, collected in towns of Ust-Koksa District of the Altai Republic. The paper presents a dynamic picture of how the lands had been used in the end of XIX – the beginning of XXI centuries. The researcher determines particular location and management of different types of agricultural lands (plough-lands, hay-fields, pastures) in the Russian pre-revolutionary and Soviet periods, and in modern time.
Keywords: ethnocultural landscape, agricultural adaptation, agricultural lands, Uimon Old Believers, Gorny Altai
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Issue: 1, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 101 — 107
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