Various theoretical approaches to possessiveness in general and predicative possessiveness in particular are considered, differences of attributive and predicative possessiveness at the semantic level are described. The short review of use / non-use of the verbs of life and possession in the possessive constructions of the Ural languages relating to the Esse-languages is provided: transitive verbs of Indo-European type can be used for verbal expression of possessiveness in Ob-Ugrian, Nganasan and a number of southern dialects of the Lappish language. The main predicative possessive constructions of the Selkup language the parts of which are the verbs ēqo ‘to have, possess’ and the verb with the opposite meaning čaηkįqo are analyzed. The most frequent predicative possessive constructions in the Selkup language are constructions with a noun or a pronoun having the marker -nan and the verb ēqo or čaŋkįqo.
Keywords: possession, Selkup, predicative possessive constructions
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Issue: 4, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 43 — 49
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