The ‘Toyanov gorodok’ settlement is a place well-known to Tomsk residents, which is located on the left bank of the River Tom, opposite the city of Tomsk. The area took its name from a fortified settlement once located here. According to folk legends, the leader of Eoushta Tatars called Toyan was based in this area. The research into it started in the late XIX century, however at that time and afterwards it was limited only to the inspection and collection of finds on the surface. In the early XX century such settlements and adjacent territories would be chosen for countryside houses construction. In the first half of the XX century, a TB sanatorium was built here, and the fortified settlement was largely destroyed and partially filled with construction waste. Some unpublished documents and unknown collections of finds related to this archaeological site are now kept at Tomsk museums. The article presents a previously unpublished layout of the ‘Toyanov gorodok’ settlement and of its burial ground drawn by M. P. Gryaznov in 1924 as well as A. P. Dulson’s finds collected at the site in 1952.
Keywords: ‘Toyanov gorodok’ settlement, Toyan, Tatars of Eoushta, history of research, ceramics
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Issue: 3, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 85 — 93
Downloads: 1269