We consider the 72 Tuvan expressive words of Mongolian origin. According to the word formation pattern the words are divided into two groups: 1) the сomposites formed by the model N + -chok (өөдежок ‘stupid’, саваажок ‘crazy’, etc.); 2) direct loanwords adapted phonetically (mong. мэлхий ‘stupid’ → тув. мелегей ‘stupid’, mong. жолиг / золиг ‘ransom, hell, an evil spirit (swearword)’ → tuv. чолук ‘scoundrel’). We find the unique feature of the Turkic languages which is the homonymy of adjective (Adj) and adverbs (AdvInt), adjective (Adj) and expressive nouns (NQuol). The loanwords can have different functions depending on the context of a sentence.
Keywords: тувинский язык, заимствование, монгольский язык, композит, семантика, экспрессия, экспрессивные слова
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Issue: 3, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 9 — 17
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