The article deals with the traditional etiquette in the family and kinship relations of the Altai population in the Altai Republic basing on the author’s field studies. The study of conduct rules within the family provides an opportunity to identify the specifics of the spiritual culture of the Altaians, social life in the context of moral and ethic ideas and the etiquette for traditional culture. The article examines the symbolic significance of behaviour etiquette towards parents and between relatives: the relationship of uncle and nephew, the relationship between the children of sisters, which are based on archaic, shamanic, burkhanism ideas about the cult of ancestors, the cult of nature, magic words, the opposition «alien» «akin». There were revealed changes of conduct rules of family and family-related etiquette in terms of socio-economic and cultural factors of modern society: the custom of avoidance, relations with “umbilical” mother.
Keywords: traditional culture, traditional etiquette, family and kinship etiquette, sacredness, vari-ability, stability, norms of behaviour
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Issue: 2, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 98 — 105
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