The article analyzes the main images which associated with a shaman drum in the culture of the Samoyed peoples. These are: a drum-reindeer, a drum-boat, a drum-Universe, a drum-year, a drum-week, a drum-cloud and some individual reflections of shaman’s drum. Ethnological and ethnomusico-logical materials are interpreted through cultural geography that allows us to deepen the understanding of the figurative meanings of the Shaman drum. As one music instrument, a drum considered as a ritual attribute of a shaman. Special attention is paid to ideological properties of drum’s sounding. The article is based on published sources and the author's field materials, recorded in 1990 from D. D. Kosterkin.
Keywords: Samoyed peoples, Nganasans, Nenets, Enets, Selkups, musical instruments, shaman drum, the image of drum-reindeer, cultural geography, geo-cultural image
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Issue: 2, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 81 — 90
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