The article deals with the identification and description of the basic means that represent a subject in verbal constructions of mental activity in the Khakass language. The authors give semantic characteristic of subjects that agree with the verbs of particular semantics and analyzes the most important semantic roles of the subject in theses verbal constructions. The functions and the names of these roles are determined by paradigmatic and sintagmatic specifics of the syntactic constructions of the analyzed language. In all the cases explicating intellectual activity, emotional experience, behavior, perception, speaking the subject is characterized as an animate, active figure with mental (anthropological) features. In the Khakass language the name representing the subject is most often acts in the form of the Nominative case (and this is basically a proper name): Чоохты алыстырарға кирек, – хабын салған Евсейка ‘It is necessary to change a topic of conversation, – said Evseyka’. Though personal pronouns take actively the position of the subject, first and second person pronouns, singular and plural, are not used in the constructions (the category of person is expressed by the verb). Third person pronouns are often used in the position of the subject's not to repeat the name. The name of the subject in the Khakass language can be also expressed by Locative case and Directive case. Оолахты школада матап хырысханнар ‘The boy was strongly criticized at school’. Both cases have principles of semantic restriction of the verbs according to the expressed action. The subject in the Directive case may denote organizations and establishments: Синi институтсар хығыртчалар ‘You are called for to the institute’. The article concludes about the form of the subject and the features of the syntactic constructions with the subject name agreeing with the verbs of mental activity.
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Issue: 1, 2016
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 36 — 44
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