The article considers common features of ethnocultural history and specifics of modern consciousness of the Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian and Cossack population of Siberia based on historical, ethnographic, ethnosociological, culturological, linguistic, museological and ethnopsychological materials. Often they are interconnected so closely that accurately it isn't possible to separate each ethnic component. The author investigates ethnic, regional, confessional, language, ethnocultural identity of modern east Slavs of Siberia. The author analyzes ethnocultural preferences of modern east Slavs (favourite dishes, products, drinks, holidays, proverbs and sayings), the existing ethnic stereotypes and ideas of the main traits of character of Russians, the Ukrainian, Belarusians, Cossacks. Separately interethnic interferences and marriage contacts are considered. East Slavs in Siberia kept many ethnic traditions brought from various places of an exit. Along with it, their culture was enriched with the new components borrowed from other people on the way to Siberia, from the native and living in this territory together with them ethnic groups, and also appeared as a result of adaptation and transformation of own extremely diverse traditions. Gradually, for many years of cohabitation in Siberia separate small distinctions in culture were gradually erased, the all-Siberian fragments of culture, including the general mentality were developed.
Keywords: Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Cossacks, Siberia, ethnocultural history, identity
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Issue: 3, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 136 — 145
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