The author of the article considered problems of formation and development of Russian Orthodox Church in the territory of the province Xinjiang. One of the reasons hindering the penetration of active orthodox life in the region was the lack of missionary work in Xinjiang, as in neighboring areas of Russia orthodox population was in the minority. Also development of orthodoxy in the region directly depended on the presence in the province of the Russian population. In this regard it is obviously important to track the main waves of resettlement of Russians to the province. The first news of Russians in Xinjiang belong to 1850. The most mass resettlement of Russians on the territory of the province to come to the period of Civil war in Russia. A significant influx of Russian population also applies to the period of collectivization in Russia, and as a result of the exodus of peasants from the country. The orthodox church became the main spiritual center for the Russian people who lost the homeland. Such cities of Xinjiang as, Kuldzha, Urumqi, Chuguchak became the main centers of orthodoxy. The organization of continuous church services in the cities of the province, depended on the presence of the priest in it. “Cultural revolution” in China had a great influence on development of orthodox life. It was during this period in China, and Xinjiang in particular, pursued any kind of religious activity.
Keywords: Xinjiang, russian diaspora, orthodox church
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Issue: 3, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 128 — 135
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