The paper presents analysis of Internet resources describing the activity of Tomsk regional public organizations of Poles, Ukrainians and Belarusians on preservation of their ethnocultural identity. The Polish diaspora of Tomsk is presented by websites of Tomsk regional non-profit organization “Center of Polish Culture ‘The House of Poles’” in the city of Tomsk, Tomsk national Polish center “White Eagle”, web-page of the Center of Polish Language and Culture of local nonprofit organization National Cultural Autonomy of the Poles of Tomsk “Tomsk Poloniya”. The data about Ukrainian and Belarusian diasporas in the city of Tomsk is given at the websites of regional non-profit organization “Center of Ukrainian Culture ‘Jerelo’” and regional non-profit organization “National Cultural Autonomy of Belarusians in Tomsk Region”. All the organizations can be found at the website of the Palace of Arts and Crafts “Avangard”. Most complete information on the Internet can be found about the activity of Polish organizations. The given internet resources present the basis for demonstration, reproduction and building of ethnocultural identity of the mentioned diasporas. The images of traditional folklife culture contributing to actualization of the image of ethnical “friend” play an important role in the structure of ethnical representation. Linguistic means (greetings in native language, nominatives, etc.), visual images (traditional ethnic costumes, household items, dishes of traditional cuisine, symbolic of national holidays and celebrations) are used as markers and ethnocultural symbols. Great significance is given to preservation and modeling of historical memory, appeal to the general historical past and historical motherland is realized. Large attention is paid to active involvement of diasporas members into cultural events of organizations (advertizing language courses of mother tongue, music and theatre festivals, traditional holidays, etc.). Identity of Poles, Ukrainians and Belarusians of Tomsk as presented on the Internet is formed selectively and it largely depends on the nature of organization activity, professional orientation and interests of their leaders.
Keywords: Slavic diasporas, Poles, Ukrainians, Belarusians, national cultural unions of the Slavs, ethnocultural identity, internet of Tomsk
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Issue: 3, 2015
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 29 — 39
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