A. P. Dulzon (09.11.1900–15.01.1973) is well known among the specialists in Uralic studies as the scholar with a wide range of research interests, the developer of the new fundamental principles of Samoyedic studies. Professor Dulzon is acknowledged for his significant contribution to the studies of the pre-russian population of Western Siberia: Chulym Tatars, Ket and Selkup languages, Yeniseic-Chukotsko-Koryak similarities in verb conjugation, common features of the Indoeuropean and Uralo-Altaic verb-forms, commonalities in noun declension of Indoeuropean and Yeniseic languages. A. P. Dulzon also focused his research on the study of hydronyms, their origin and semantics. Special attention is paid to the study of ancient toponyms. According to A. P. Dulzon, the analysis of such toponyms is hampered by the complexity of their modern structure, the original form of which is often completely modified by numerous layers of previous place-names. The toponyms of the Ugro-Samoyedic origin belong to the ancient toponyms of the Ural-Volga area, and can be analysed by deciphering their complex phonetic and semantic structure modified in the past centuries. The analysis points to the complexity of the ethnogenetic processes in the Ural-Volga area and Western Siberia. Consequently, it is impossible to study the existing toponymic system of the Ural-Volga area as formed by the peoples residing there at present and ignore the chronological periods of their formation and the influence of substrate, superstrate and other phenomena. The etymological interpretation of the hydronyms of the Ural-Volga area is impossible without extensive diachronic and synchronic comparative analysis, and without taking chronological and areal considerations. The comparative cartography of the hydronyms of the Ural-Volga area reveals their twin-hydronyms in Western Siberia.
Keywords: A. P. Dulzon, Ural-Volga area, toponymy
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